Friday, September 30, 2011

Hiv/AIDS: That Ashen Look - Friday, September 30, 2011

Upon viewing several posts regarding skin fillling procedures for those Hiv'ers/PWA's who suffer facial fat loss and other related conditions I've finally decided to sit down and write about something which a good many folks contending with Hiv/AIDS are afflicted with, but which you almost never see people discussing - that ashen look. Even after 30+ years into this disease, there are still many people out there who simply dont wanna talk about it, and although that may be their choice, their right, I think those who are in denial about it need to get over it. Literally.

Do you know how people are always saying "Well, you cant tell if someone is Hiv+ or has AIDS just by looking at them!!" I gotta newsflash for my fellow Hiv/AIDS activists and any other folks who religiously and vehemently claim that - you're all full of shit. There are many people out there who have the renowned wasting-away syndrome that walks hand-in-hand with being Hiv+/having AIDS; but, that's not why they "look" like they have AIDS - it's the color of their skin that sets them apart from everyone else. It's literally an ashen look - a hue between extremely pale white and light gray - and if you look at the gazillions of photos of those who survived the concentration camps during the Holocaust, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

I realize some of my contemporaries may get get rip-roaring mad that someone is FINALLY opening up their mouth and speaking out on this issue, but it's not my fault that they dont wanna deal with the full reality of this all. So many people have treated it as one of THE MOST tabu subjects concerning Hiv/AIDS over the past 30 years and frankly, I think that's just totally ludicrous. People who have the ashen look are real, they do exist yet all I hear from alotta folks is "Oh, don't say anything, you'll make him/her feel self-conscious, you'll hurt his/her feelings and make them feel uncomfortable!" 

Self-conscious? Hurt feelings? Omfg, lemme give y'all the latest newsflash, okay people? For anyone out there whose skin-tone looks like death-onna-rainy-day-in-Seattle, trust me, I'm more than certain that they are totally aware of their condition and have had to field any and all kinds of questions regarding it. I know my Jack did and yes, it was very uncomfortable for him at times but as with anything else connected with Hiv/AIDS or any other disease for that matter, you acclimate yourself to it mentally and guess what? You get over it and you keep living life.

Anyone who's had to contend with such a radical change in their skin tone because of this disease (and again, any other disease for that matter) has had a lot to deal with and believe me, my heart does indeed go out to them. I mean, it's one thing feeling sick alotta the time but then to look at yourself in the mirror and say out loud "Oh great Sparky, I friggin look EXACTLY how I feel!" Yes, it can be one helluva mental roller-coaster ride but by talking with your medical care team and other people who have the same exact condition, it does help, it really does.

But you know what really burns me up about it all, second only to everyones denial about it, especially the Hiv/AIDS community's? Those people who have it and refuse to accept it. I'm not talking about the countless thousands I've seen over the years with it, but about some of my fellow Hiv/AIDS activists who are on Facebook. In the last year or so I cannot tell you how many photos I've seen of people that either made me yelp out "Whoahhh!" or "Hello!?!??!" and literally made me fall off my computer chair! Then when they've been asked point blank "Uhm, what's up with your skin??" Do you know what the majority of their responses are? Get this - "Oh nothing, I'm totally fine, just a Vitamin D deficiency, that's all." Excuse me, butta vitamin deficiency of any kind does NOT make you look like some zombie from out of a George Romero horror flick, thank you very much! 

Omg, I cannot tell you how many times I've wanted to write to some of those raging denialists and simply say "Yo, ever hear of pancake?? And I'm not talking about IHOP either!!" The ignorance as well as arrogance of people who refuse to accept the truth just burns me up to no end! Look, I've been around long enough to know the difference between reality and unadulterated bullshit and as bad as having a skin-tone problem related to an illness can be, no one can escapefrom something like that. Yes, upon consulting your physician and possibly getting a referral to a dermatologist, perhaps there are some alternative skin therapies that will help, hopefully so. But to walk around the streets of your local downtown area like the Angel-of-Death on a suburban holiday and pretend that it's not obvious, damn, that's just totally absurd.

Anyone who's had to deal with Hiv/AIDS, regardless of how many years they've been infected, has had their body affected or changed by this disease in one form or another (myself included). Yes, it is heartbreaking and it can even make you majorly-majorly pissed off at this fucken disease; but, guess what? No matter what this disease does to our bodies, we gotta do our best to stay strong guys, we gotta do our best to cling together and get through this. I am not knocking any of you whom have that ashen look, I'm only taking to task those who refuse to accept it because they are ashamed of it. Ashamed? Oh my God, how could anyone be ashamed of something which they have no control over whatsoever? Because of how society views us? Well, fuck society then because they're not the ones battling this disease, we are.                                                                                                                                                                                          The Ashen look is real and I'm glad that I've finally stood up and said something about it, though I must admit that I am extremely frustrated and thoroughly disgusted by each and every one of my fellow Hiv/AIDS activists, both in real life and online, who refuse to not only admit that sucha condition exists, but hell, they even refuse to talk about it. Sorry, but that's just not right, it's not normal. Talking about things always helps folks feel a whole helluva lot better about what they are going through, it always makes them feel so much less alone and let's face it, that beats sweeping things under the rug and living vicariously in a fantasy world of ones' own making. 

Never be ashamed of what you look like because of what Hiv/AIDS has done to your body. Each and every one of us is a strong, brave warrior who deserves the utmost respect and greatest accolades. You are totally accepted and well-loved and anytime you feel like you are faltering, like you're standing on shaky ground, dontcha worry, there will always always be someone there to catch you. On that you can depend. Thank you for reading.

Note: I've chosen not to incliude any photos of Hiv'ers/PWA's with that ashen skin appearance and/or other skin-related diseases brought on by Hiv/AIDS because as many peope as there are out there you have it, like with everything else to do with AIDS, just because this-or-that person comes down with it, it doesnt mean that everyone else who has the disease will. Thank you.



Posted via email from Luctor Et Emergo

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Touche - Thursday, September 29, 2011

I actually encountered the subject material for this piece a coupla weeks back but at that time I just didnt know how to word it but after a coupla weeks of mulling-n-stewing somewhat, I now know exactly how to put it. My readers are logical, intelligent people and if after reading this piece they still havent figured out who I'm writing about, then I hope they feel free to backtrack further in this blog if they feel inclined to do so.

I'm gonna cut right to the chase on this one because I truly wanna communicate this in the most clearest, most comprehendable laymans' terms possible.

When a person changes or alters their outer physical appearance it DOES NOT change who they are in the inside. Doing so does not erase any crimes you have committed in the past, you're still the same person you always were, only the outside of you has changed - and that's basically about it. Transforming oneself from your average gay guy into an alluring, ravishing drag queen does not automatically erase all the wrongs you've done in your past, especially if you've done something as terrible as physically harming and/or murdering another human being, both directly and indirectly.

In other words, it doesnt matter how well or how often you transform yourself back-n-forth between your two identities - if you were a piece of shit before your transformation, chances are pretty damn high you're still gonna be a piece of shit during and afterwards too. Yeah, really.

About a year or so ago I wrote a piece or two about a fairly famous adult film director/drag queen whom I do not care for too much because of the fact that he's actually been allowed to get away with murder and apparently to alotta folks out there, that's okay. Well, it was never okay with me, nor was it okay with my Jack either when he was alive. With all the drug and mob ties the person in question had at that time - and most likely still does to this day - Jack made me promise years ago to stay away from the guy and I have kept my word; but, in the last year or so I've grown exceptionally weary of keeping my mouth shut and since I do utilize this name as both a spearhead and a shield against many kinds of injustices, this is definitely one injustice I refuse to allow to slide by anymore.

It should come as no surprise then that this particular individual also happens to be one helluva hypocrite as a human being. He actually use to advocate for the rights of those who worked in the adult film industry and say "Hey, they're people too!" yet by his past transgressions you'd never think he felt that way since he obviously felt the deaths he is directly/indirectly responsible for were 100% expendable, otherwise he woulda come clean about them after all these years.

The only reason I am bringing any of this up right now is because imagine my dismay when I was on Facebook a coupla weeks back and saw the person's name on the upper-righthand side of my computer screen with the neat little caption below indicating that we "shared" or "have in common" a little under a dozen or so friends. Sharing even one friend with that pathetic scuzzball is still one friend way too many. I just could not fucken believe it. After all the years that I have supported - and continue to support - the drag queen community, this is the gratitude I get? I wanted sooooo bad to message every one of those people and say "Excuse me? Are y'all fucken nuts??? If associating with a closeted-murderer is your idea of a quick-wit-scheme to acquiring further fame, then you need to go off somewhere and do a major reality check to yourself, but please do it as far away from me as is humanly possible thank you very much!!"

Look, I realize how difficult it can be to make it nowadays in the entertainment world, regardless if one is a drag queen or not; but, if you're willing to gain further fame by grabbing onto the dress train of someone who is personally responsible for destroying several or more innocent young lives, you gotta ask yourself, what does THAT say about you as a person? As an entertainer, it says that you dont believe in yourself enough to make it in that field. And, as a human being, it says that you must think anything resting in the sludge 2 miles below whaleshit is pretty damn impressive for you to not regard yourself above and beyond someone like that. It still blows my mind that any of you who have befriended that person fails to realize that you dont need someone like that to make your career better, all you really need to do is believe in yourself. When your audiences see that, THAT'S what's gonna keep them coming back every single time, not because you're on some psycho-nuts' friend list on Facebook. Damn....

No, I will not say the person's full name in this blog because quite frankly, too much publicity has been wasted on that krispy-creme, cock-juggling thundercunt to begin with. But I know the truth; Jack knew the truth; a whole lotta other people know the truth; and, most of all, that hermaphrodyte in the flowing white gown and long white bear who runs the universe knows the truth too. 

Just because a person chooses to transform their outer appearance into something they're not, that doesnt give them the right to think that every rotten thing they've done to others in their lifetime can be swept under the rug and forgotten about. They think they're fooling the entire world by doing so but they're not, they're only fooling themselves. I've said it 100 times before and it looks like I need to say it again - no one can go around harming innocent people and get away with it. Sorry, but life just doesnt work that way. If anyone thinks they have the right to not be held accountable for their wrong-doings, then they need to seperate themselves from the rest of the world and simply go away from the rest of us because when you cease to respect and honor all the fellow precious life that is around you, you are no longer part of the human race. Thank you for reading.



Posted via email from Luctor Et Emergo

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Discovery of the Shagbark Hickory Nut Tree - Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall-time is one of my most favorite times of the entire year, so what more befitting way to write about this season than sharing a harvesting story with y'all? I do love fall very much because it's the season that reminds us that nasty, horrible, humid summer is over and much cooler temps with that definitite crispness in the air is on its way. Be that as it may, this piece is gonna be about the American Hickory Nut tree, the Shag-Bark Hickory variety to be more specific, and how this September, I learned why squirrels have major OCD issues with such trees.

A coupla weeks back, the grandfather of the family who lives next door to me where I'm staying here in Connecticut, was out in the backyard throwing a metal pole up in a tree. At first, I didda coupla double-takes and thought to myself "I wonder if his daughter knows what he's doing right about now...??" but then I had to take some recycables to the bin out back and just as I was about to ask him what he was doing, he hollered over to me "Hey, can you help me with this over here, you gotta few minutes to help me?" I smiled at him and hollered over in his direction "Uhm, sure, exactly what is it that you're doing?" He replied back "Trying to get some of the best damn nuts on the entire planet!"

Now, as a gay man I instantly wanted to say "Oh, you're a fan of late 1980's/early 1990's porn star Dino DiMarco too??" but then I said to myself "Now Gidget, that's not what the old fart means!" Instead I hollered back "You're kidding me, right?" to which he responded back "Take this metal pole and throw it up into the underheart of the tree for me, will you please? While you're doing that, I'll fill you in" which over the next 35 minutes he certainly did and lemme tell you, when we were finished (I knocked down about half a bushel full of the green nuthusks for him, not bad I think) what that elderly man taught me about the Shagbark Hickory nut trees is something I'll never forget.

He was a wealth of information about the Shagbark Hickory trees, in fact, he was more like a walking factoid machine when it comes to those trees, things which I never even knew about that kinda tree, except for what my Grandma told me about them years ago, how during the Depression of the 30's, before they had to sell their farm and move into the city, her and her siblings would gather up the green four-sectioned nuthusks by the armload-full and then laying them out to dry on old newspapers so that they would crack apart, thus revealing the very light beige-colored, nearly impenetrable nutshell that housed a Walnut-like-looking nut that is smaller than it's first cousin, yet tastes like no other. In fact, my Gram said they were so delicious yet so hard to find in that area of Michigan where they moved to, that she really hadnt had any since that last fall-time on the farm, back in 1937. Well, thanks to my own perseverance, my Gram is not gonna be baking with just Walnuts, Pecans and Hazelnuts this coming holiday season, no sirree... 

But onward with the Shagbark Hickory nut trees fact....1st, it's a known fact that IF the Shagbark Hickory nuts themselves weren't so damn difficult and time-consuming to harvest, that they would have commercially been the #1 baking & cooking nut here in America, instead of their larger cousin, the Walnut. 2nd, the actual nut of the Shagbark Hickory tree is hidden inside a green, 4-quartered, hard nuthusk that usually either falls right apart the instant you try to split it, depending on how dry it is; or, takes a few days or so of drying so that you can reach the nut itself. 3rd, the green nut-husk, when undried is very unique because it literally emits a yellowish, gooey liquid similiar to the lesser-yellowed liquid of the Alstromeria lilly, similiar in the sense that the liquid from both cannot only stain your fingers and hands, but also cause problematic drying and cracking of those areas as well. (if you're gonna get near those things like I did, definitely use a pair of work gloves). 4th, the Shagbark Hickory nuts are to squirrels, what catnip is to cats and that is no joke. From late August until early October it's not unusual to hear the thumping and thudding on the ground of falling nutshell pieces, compliments of the local squirrel communities.

Speaking of which, before I mention the last (and best) thing about the Shagbark Hickory nuts, please note that as hard as those outer green nuthusks are, the second the inner nuts are removed from them, they automatically turn black and start to disintegrate. They look nasty laying all around the place and can make your yard look a bit slobbish, but otherwise, they post no real harm or danger to the land around them, nor your lawnmower for that matter. Just so you know.

The 5th greatest fact about the Shagbark Hickory nut? The taste, as well as its fragrance! No shit. I couldnt believe it either until that elderly man showed me how to crack a few of them open. The delicious smell was positively overwhelming!! I dont think anyone out there can even fathom what I'm talking about unless they themselves try it too - imagine cracking open a nutshell and smelling the smell of a pure Maple-nut scent and that is EXACTLY what it smells like! I kid you not, what mankind took years to create, Mother Nature herself creates every fall-time in the form of the Shagbark Hickory nut. But the scent doesnt stop at the inner shell.

It continues in the flavor of the nut as well! It's so bizarre, truly a misnomer of Nature because a Maple-nut tasting nut naturally should come from a Maple tree, right? Yet here is a nut that is the direct cousin of both the Walnut and Pecan but yet it's flavoring, texture and coloring are nothing like the other two. Shagbark Hickory nuts are delicious, indeed a true delicacy. They smell just like a Maple-nut and taste better than a Maple-nut if a Maple-nut truly existed! Their texture is almost identical to the Walnut and Pecan yet more softer and more oilier, and as for their coloring, it ranges from a slight yellowish color to a rich dark brown color, much darker than their cousin the Pecan.

As much as I adore almost everything about the Shagbark Hickory Nut, I would have to say that it's their scent that I'm the most impressed with. There isnt one of us out there who hasnt found ourselves in one of those cutesy country stores that has a vast array of natural-smelling scents yet I finally figured out why none of us has ever come across a Hickory-scented candle or potpourri - because that scent is something that ONLY Mother Nature has a patent on. I'm serious. I love that scent so much that I'm taking the shells of the nuts I have yet to harvest and putting them in a small crystal bowl once I get back to Boston just to get that scent flowing throughout the place. Simply amazing and as far as I'm concerned, non-duplicative.

Of course, the flip side about eating the nut itself is that I'll never be able to fully enjoy the flavor of the Shagbark Hickory nut because of my diverticulitis. I cant eat nuts of any kind unless they are in nut butter form. Now, I did take a quarter of a piece that afternoon and ate it and omfg, just that teeny tiny bit was outta this world! There truly is no comparison between it and it's cousin the Walnut, for where the Walnut has that almost non-flavorful bitterness towards the end of eating it, the Shagbark Hickory Nut has that replaced with almost a golden sweetness.

Everything has a flip side, yet the Shagbark Hickory nut's flip side is pretty major - they are a TREMENDOUS amount of work in harvesting and are a major pain-in-the ass (you never cracked a harder nutshell than that, lemme tell you) because since they are smaller than their Walnut-like cousins, you're basically talking about a whole lotta work for notta very huge harvest. However, if you love the flavor and/or scent of them, then of course, it's truly a labor of love. I'm not very big into statistics but to give some of you math whizes out there an idea of what I'm talking about...65 to 67 nuthusks only created about 1 and a half cups of actual nuts. In other words, it's extremely easy to comprehend why the Walnut was deemed so much more profitable by nutgrowers many generations ago, because it was so much easier to harvest and therefore mass-market.

Regardless of that fact, I'm just so damn happy that my Grandma is finally gonna be baking with Shagbark Hickory nuts again, like she did so many years ago. When I first told her about it all over the phone, she kept asking me "You mean, these trees are on the actual property, you dont have to go anywhere to pick them??" It was funny the way she reacted because when us kids were growing up, I cant tell you how many times her and my great-aunts would say "These nuts are so expensive this year, wish we lived down south where we could just grow our own damn nut trees!" We all are older now but nuts are still expensive here on the American market so when I told her that I would make sure they'd be ready to ship to her before Thanksgiving, I could already picture her smile over the phone that afternoon. Bringing a bit of pre-holiday happiness to your very own grandmother? Priceless, simply priceless.SHAGBARK MAPLE COOKIES

Use walnuts, if you can't find shagbark hickory nuts in your woods. Makes approximately 2 dozen.

1 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup shortening
1/4 cup butter
1 beaten egg
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1-1/2 cups sifted flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup shagbark hickory nuts (or as many as you have managed to shell!)

Preheat oven to 375°F. Grease two cookie sheets, or line with a Silpat (silicone sheet) or parchment.

Cream together until light: brown sugar, shortening, and butter. 
Beat in the egg and vanilla.
Sift the flour, soda, and salt together and stir in.
Fold in the hickories.
Drop on greased cookie sheet.
Bake at 375F for 12-15 minutes.
Let stand a few minutes before placing on racks to cool.

When cooled, frost with maple cream. If you don’t have maple cream, mix together:
1 cup sifted confectioners sugar 
2-4 Tbsp cream –- adjust amount to desired consistency
2-3 Tbsp Grade B maple syrup (otherwise, make sure you use real maple syrup -– adjust amount to taste)

Note: If you don't want to use shortening, you may substitute all butter; however it doesn’t fully support the hickory taste and cookies will be flat.

All my life I've always hadda green thumb, a very good green thumb, to the point where years ago I started collecting various favorite flower seeds so in that very same tradition this year I'm adding a new seed to my collection - the Shagbark Hickory but tree. All you do is take the harvested nut and just keep it in a cool, dark place until you're ready to plant it and there ya go.! Of course, the squirrels are gonna be a HUGE problem so I guess I'll have to raise me some barn-cats to protect over those trees! Granted, my dream of having my very own Shagbark Hickory nut trees may or may not ever happen, but as long as I have those seeds, anything is possible. I think that's true with everything in life - if you have even that one tiny glimmer of promise or hope, there's nothing that cant become a reality. So if you have any Shagbark Hickory nut trees in your immediate area, I do hope you check them out and give them a try and see what you reall think of them. Hopefully you'll be as impressed as I was.Thank you for reading.



Posted via email from Luctor Et Emergo

Friday, September 23, 2011

Last Night While On Facebook - Friday, September 23, 2011

Something which use to happen to me every now-n-then when I first opened my Facebook account happened to me again last night, only with a bit more resonance than usual, particularly because of the abrupt rudeness of it all. I know that most people would shrug it off and go onward with life as I use to do and as I will do, but like I said, this time it actually pissed me off.

I received a friend request from a person whom I had 6 mutual friends with. I never heard of the guy before but I usually dont accept new friends unless we indeed do have some friends in common. Granted, that doesnt always mean the person sending the request is an honest, legitimate individual but I always do try to give people the benefit of the doubt. And, since he knew of me via our mutual friends, I naturally assumed that he knew at least a bit of the story behind this name. Apparently I was wrong.

We actually chatted for a few minutes last night on Facebook chat when alla sudden he asked me if I had any photos of myself. I politely told him no, that this name is my anonymous identity, just as I have written about on my Facebook profile page as well as my Posterous profile page on this blog. Instantly the conversation stopped and I couldnt figure out why. So I went to my inbox and I received a message from him that not only still repeats itself in my mind, but every time I reread it, it literally makes my blood boil.

It reads as follows - "Weird and sorta..........sorry have to delete and block." Excuse me? Naturally I thought it was some kinda joke so I wrote the person back and said "But I didnt do anything wrong, how could I have offended you?" Of course, the guy never received my question because I had obviously already been blocked, no two ways about it. Hey, this kinda stuff happens in all kinds of scenarioes online all the time but I think the thing that frustrated me the most about it is that the individual automatically shut me out without allowing me to make an intelligent response. He took away my right to fairly and justly respond to an offense which came from his direction, a reaction on his part which I in no way precipitated.

Am I gonna start crying and throw a temper tantrum over all this? Absolutely not, plus, I dont throw tantrums though I have been known to cause other people to throw them - or so I've been told! lol Seriously though, I thought to myself afterwards "Omg, this guy didnt even allow me the right to defend myself. Whatta fucken asshole!" And it's true, what he exhibited was extremely immature behavior which no adult of any age should be doing.

The ironic thing about it all is this, and in a way, I cant help but chuckle about it - oh, just a tiny bit. Those mutual friends he and I share? They dont know it, and apparently neither did he, but I'm friends with half of them under my real identity. In fact, had the individual bothered to speak further with me and get to know me better, he may have actually had the opportunity to see who the real me is. Obviously he is one of those types of people who believes it's best to judge others FIRST before getting to know them. Since that appears to be the case, I'm actually glad he deleted and blocked me because frankly, I just dont need people like that in my life. Nobody needs people like that in their lives.

Look everyone, I'm not the first person in the world to have more than one identity online and I know for a fact I certainly wont be the last. It's like with everything else in life, it depends on how you use it. Yes, I do use HivSpice as a mask to protect my real identity but even more so, I use this name to help others and to educate people about Hiv/AIDS. I always have and I always will and yes, it is that simple. I have never used this name for negative purposes or for inappropriate solicitations of any kind, and I never will because that's just not what I'm all about.

Now I realize that I dont need to re-explain all of this to all of you out there, let alone defend myself, but I think it needed to be stated again. Am I at all upset with themutual friends that me and my latest "blocker" share? Heavens no; but, for future reference, if any of you out there have friends who wish to friend me and you somehow know about it before I do, please, would you let those friends of yours know that I have no intention whatsoever of revealing my true identity to them personally and that if that is a prerequisite of friendship, they need to forget about me? Thanks, I truly appreciate that.

Oh and one more thing before I wrap this baby up and bring it in for a landing. Everything we say and/or do in life is because of choices. Some people may choose to accept the realities which are HivSpice and some may not; however, I do wanna ask another favor pertaining to that not just for myself but for everyone out there.Before you write off a person, whether it be online or in real life, would you at least take the time to get to know them, perhaps even have just a few conversations with them, before you choose to condemn and banish them from your life? Cause you'd be pretty damn surprised how much you can learn about a person as well as how much you may very well have in common with them if you would just take the time to talk with them. Thank you for reading.

P.S. Should the individual referred to in this piece figure out that it is about him, I just wanna say one more thing to him - dont sweat it Sweethaht, some of my closest friends come from your home state so the withdrawal of your friendship is of no consequential loss to me. And if you get fired up about anything I've written here, you can always grab a bag of marshmellows, some chocolate bars and some graham crackers. Bon Appetit!


Posted via email from Luctor Et Emergo

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Testing....1...2...3... - Saturday, September 17, 2011

Well, has done it again. Now they have revamped their website, renamed themselves "Posterous Spaces" and basically screwed up many-a-blog; but rather than piss-n-moan uncontrollaby about it all, I've decided to keep an open mind for another week or so before I contemplate what to do with Luctor Et Emergo. After all, as frustrating as it can be to deal with change, change is for the most part always a good thing. Hence this smaller-than-usual post from me. When Posterous revamped their website it took away my black-n-gray color scheme on this blog, so I thought I'd do this mini-post and see how it all turns out, as well as decide whether or not I need to relearn any of the semantics here, which I am most certain without a shadow of a doubt that I will have to do because that's just how my luck is these days.....

Trying to think of anything off the top of my head to share in this post. Oh yeah. Those of you whom are familiar with me on Facebook will notice that my birthdate is listed as December 17th, 1965. Well that's both correct and incorrect at the same time. December 17th actually is the "birthdate" of HivSpice because even though I did create the name in the summer of 1995, I didnt actually do much with it till I launched it into the internet world on that particular date in 1995, the week before Christmas to be exact.

And though HivSpice is merely an extension of my real person, I still thought it best to give "him" his own birthdate just for the sake of having individual identities, which in that way would prevent anyone from directly linking the Spice nic to my real identity. Well, that was all fine-n-dandy for the first year or so but as time has rolled on, I really do see it as almost a totally mute point nowadays because quite frankly, there are millions of people worldwide who share each other's birthdates. After all, to think that just because December 17th is Spice's birthdate means that everyone born on that exact date could very well be HivSpice is totally pre"posterous."

So I will nonchalantly be changing the Spice nic's birthdate to my own birthdate because I now feel that's the way it should be, plus after all this time of all my friends and/or readers knowing me, I highly doubt that it's gonna matter a hill of beans to anyone out there. Anyways, let's launch this mini-blog post and see how fucked up Posterous really is or Thanks for reading everyone and I hope everyone is having a good night.

Posted via email from Luctor Et Emergo

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Reflections on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 - Sunday, September 11, 2011

I dunno if I'll be writing an annual 9/11 commemoration piece because I wrote extensively about my experiences on that fateful day last year in this blog and for the majority of Americans, 9/11 was such a traumatic, life-altering experience that I feel one should only write about it when a personal chord within ourselves is struck. Such is the case with me this year because there is something indirectly related to the same timeframe as 9/11 that I'd like to talk about.

Birthdays. I suspect there are many other people out there who feel the same exact way as I do on this issue, yet they continue to remain mute on the subject outta fear of being lamblasted by others, but  for myself, enough is enough. I am extremely sick-n-tired of 9/11 casting this dark, looming, impenetrable black cloud over those of us who have birthdays on or near the date of September 11th. I know alotta you out there are probaly thinking "Well, people have the right to mourn and commemorate that day any way they damn well please!" Yes, they most certainly do; however, unless you yourself are one of those people whose special day is eclipsed by the tragic events of 9/11, you need to shut the fuck up because if it was happening to you, year in and year out, you'd be pretty damn piss-elegant about it too.

I'm going to continue to be in a happy, festive on my birthday this year and every year because not only is it my right to do so, but after all I've been through in my lifetime, I cant think of a better day to celebrate my life. Naturally, living with Hiv for 22 years and being consciously alive to talk about it also puts one helluva huge feather in one's cap. Yet with the way that people react regarding anything directly or indirectly connected to 9/11, you'd think that even smiling on or around that date would be warrant enough for a person getting publicly chastised or even arrested on the spot. Quite frankly, I think alotta people take the 9/11 commemoration stuff to the extreme, to the point where it actually borderlines mental illness. Hey, if folks wanna behave that way, fine with me, but they aren't gonna piss on my birthday cake anymore.

Make no mistakes, I was in Boston, where 2 of the planes which crashed on 9/11 originated from, and it was totally unnerving and heartwrenching to experience everything that most of us did that day; but, just because all that stuff went down so close to my birthday doesnt mean I'm gonna automatically dress in black and contemplate slitting my wrists every year around 9/11. In fact, I refuse to give up celebrating my birthday just because some terrorist buttmunches responsible for such an unimaginable catastrophic act of hatred and murder decided to pick out a certain date near my birthday to carry-out their Nazi-like vendettas.

What happened to the United States of America on September 11, 2001 gave a totally new meaning to the word "unforgettable." From that day onward we as Americans have never lived in our cities and metropolises with the same sense of security we had grown so accustomed to decades before. We were told by our government to be more aware and alert of what happens in our own immediate surroundings, in our own backyards and I think we as a nation have continued to do just that. We also have been told over and over again to simply go about our lives as usual, without allowing the fear spread on by terrorists to control our lives. Slowly but surely, even in spite of all the international conflicts that America is currently embroiled in, we have indeed managed to regain a fair degree of normalcy both in this country and in our lives. And that is why I plan to celebrate my birthday in a cheerful, positive way from here on out because for me personally that too is something that needed to be taken back too. Thank you for reading.


Posted via email from Luctor Et Emergo

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Film Commentary: "Dont Be Afraid of the Dark" (1973) versus "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" (2010) - Tuesday, September 6, 2011

ThFile:Don't Be Afraid of the Dark VHS.jpge reason I used "commentary" versus a "review" in the title of this piece is because I have yet to view the 2010 remake of "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark"(1973) but I will say this much about the new film - I dont care how scary folks claim it is, in it's own unique way, the trailers alone from this film have actually helped me deal with the heebie-jeebies the original film gave me as a child growing up in the early 1970's. Perhaps heebie-jeebies is an understatement because let me tell you, as a made-for-tv movie or not, the original "Dont Be Afraid of the Dark" scared the living shit outta my sisters and I so very much because it indeed was scary the way a horror film should be scary. I'm one of the biggest horror-film afficiandoes on this planet and yet I'm not ashamed to admit that "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" petrified my siblings and I to no avail.

If anyone out there were to watch the 1973 version of this film right this moment and get back to me on it, even in spite of the last 38 years of extremely vast special effects improvements and developments within the film industry, I can truthfully say to each and every one of you that no horror film out there has literally scared me silly as much as that one single film! The thing that sets it apart from all other horror films is that it not only was ABC television's 1st made-for-tv horror film, but because it's success has nothing to do with the blood-n-guts-fest that most horror films of the last 30 years or so have been. As a matter of fact, it has no gore whatsoever - but rather due to the eerie, goose-bump-causing, fist-clenching shivers that the film delivers.

In fact, about a month ago when I first stumbled upon the trailers for the 2010 remake of the film I kept saying to myself "Damn, I MUST write about this film and warn everyone about how extremely frightening the original one was!!" but then I hesitated because it brought back alotta nightmarish memories from my childhood. I know, it's amazing, of all the other types of films out there that have impacted my life the 1973 version of "Dont Be Afraid of the Dark" may be the film that has impacted my life the most because my sisters and I had nightmares over it for at least a good 6 months or so afterwards. Now I know alotta you are probaly thinking "Well hell, you all were children, that's understandable" but trust me, regardless of what age you are, horror films were meant to frighten the living bejesus outta people and that's exactly what this one does.

I remember that several years after the film was made it seemed to totally disappear from the American film market as well as the cable re-run treadmills of the 1980's and beyond. In fact, I think the last time I saw it being broadcast on tv was sometime back in 1984 while I was home for college for the summer; and, when my parent's asked my sisters and I if we were gonna watch it that night, we all emphatically shook our heads "No!!" Of course, my parents busted-a-gut laughing at us but we knew better.

Now I could go into the plotlines of both the 1973 and 2010 versions of this film but since I havent seen the new one and since I dont know how many of my readers out there have or havent even seen the 1973 version, I really dont wanna ruin it for anyone. Then again, perhaps some introspections on the original version will help give those out there who havent seen it before an extra one-up on the initial comprehension of the remake.

In a nutshell...a woman and her husband move into her grandmother's house which has a history of strange events, unexplained noises and stuff like that taking place in it...the unexplainable stuff is caused by these tiny, midget-like demons who somehow were locked into the furnace or boiler-room of the house...the woman, Sally (played by Kim Darby) accidentally opens the locked door of the boiler, the demons come out later at night while she and her husband are asleep and thus begins all the spooky events which lead up to the climax/end of the movie, where Sally ends up being abducted by the demons and "joining them." A few other points to keep in mind - 1st, her husband NEVER believes her, he even gets her into counseling and the shrink drugs her up which in turn makes her totally vulnerable to the little demons; 2nd, the demons are TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS towards ANY light whatsoever, it actually hocks the living hell outta them; 3rd and finally, the demons always talk in whispers and are constantly saying "Sally! Sally! Sally!! Come join us, please come join us and set us free!"

As a matter of fact, that latter part is one of the reasons why that film especially scared the living shit outta my sisters and I. Throughout our remaining childhood years, whenever any of us got pissed off at each other, we'd whisper through our heating vents (our rooms were right next door to each other during those years) "Sally! Sally! Sally! Join us!! We're coming to get you!!" Oh I'll never forget those hot summer nights after we first saw that film, how we all use to curl up under our bed covers, regardless of how hot-n-humid it was - we were just beside ourselves with fear!

 Now that I am an adult and much wiser, would I ever watch the original version of "Dont Be Afraid of the Dark" again? I must admit my interest in doing so has greatly increased because in a way the inner child within me wants to view the film again so that I can finally put to rest any remaining tenets of those old childhood fears for once and for all. From the trailers for the new 2010 version itself I not only immediately noticed the distinct differences between the two films, but most notably how the director, Guillermo del Toro, specifically redesigned the "monsters" in the new film, creating creatures that I admit are TOTALLY different from those portrayed in the original film, therefore helping me in diminishing a great deal of the fear factor for myself. In other words, without even seeing the new film in its entirety, the trailers themselves have already aided me in coming to terms with any psychological residue the original film left on me.

For me, the combination of altering of the physical appearance of the demons or "monsters," as well as the fact that I have "grown up" a lot in the last 38 years, has spearheaded the heart of those childhood fears. Since being that frightened little boy in western Ohio all those years ago, I've evolved into someone who automatically despises anyone (or anything), be it real or imaginary, that would even think of harming one single hair on any child's head. I guess I'm sort of a natural predator towards anyone/anything that has the intention of harming children; and, in the 2010 version of "Dont Be Afraid of the Dark" those demons/monsters arent anywhat like the scary, spooky-looking ones that scared me shitless in the 1973 version. In this new film, they are these hideous-looking motherfuckers who think they automatically have the right to abduct/harm any child that comes near them, which rather than setting off those old childhood fears of mine for me, they actually set off my adrenalin-rush/defense mechanism button. In a never-never-land sorta way they literally transform me from that terrified little kid who tugged on his Mom's arm asking if he could pretty pretty please sleep on the floor on her side of the bedroom to a full-grown adult who would literally chase after those little demons till each and every one of them was physically torn apart by my very own hands, i.e., if it were a real-life scenario versus an intense horror film.

In other words, you know how we all have heard over the years that films can actually be theraputic for a person? Well, the remake of "Dont Be Afraid of the Dark" has been just that for me and again, I have yet to see the film in its entirety yet it's already helped me a great deal with the demons of the past (no pun intended!).

Yet another keypoint from the 1973 version of "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" is something that literally angered me about the film all those years ago and actually still does when I think about it. This could apply not just to the plotline of the film itself but in other various scenarioes that do take place in our lives in general - the issue of trust. Rather than believe his wife, who truly has no ulterior motive in lying to her husband about the entire matter - he simply refuses to believe her when she tells him about her experiences. The guy is so busy with his career and naturally since she's a housewife he automatically thinks her mind is playing tricks on her, that she is bored and needs to get outta the house more often. In other words, the age old idiom that if it's not happening to the husband, but only to the wife, then it's really not real. Pardon me, but I've always thought that that is sucha major loada crap. 

That particular angle of the film is especially ironic because towards the end of the film it's only when he tries to rescue his wife and actually sees one of the little demons that he realizes she was indeed telling him the truth all along. Doesnt get anymore ironic than that, ya know? His huge indescrepancy towards his wife, his lack of having faith in her, is really what causes her to be taken away by the demons. He gets extremely emotional and upset, naturally, and that is fine-n-dandy, but still, it is really his own fault. Whether watching a horror film or going about your daily life, I think when anyone you know seriously tells you "Uhm, Sparky? You're not gonna believe this, BUT...." people should listen to them, give them the benefit of the doubt (even if you instantly think the individual is complete mistaken), investigate the situation and THEN IF there is any reason to think that the person doesnt have both oars-in-the-water, then suggest they seek professional help. I know it may even sound silly to some folks out there that I make that suggestion based on a mere film, but it's still applicable because again, after viewing the original version of the film, I'm fairly certain that you too will exclaim "Omg, why isnt he believing her?!?!?!"

As reluctant as I was at first in writing about "Dont Be Afraid of the Dark"(1973) I'm glad that I did because it's really helped me in dispelling any inner child residual fears I had left over from watching the film all those years ago. If you're someone who loves horror films as much as I do, I highly recommend you to not only see the 2010 version of the film but try to watch the original 1973 version too because I do think it'd be worth your while. As for me, I do plan on going to see the 2010 version as soon as I get the chance to but if not, there's always renting it on dvd or getting it from Netflix. Either way, I'll be certain to keep a close watch over my heating vent covers outta the corner of my eye, just to be on the safe side...and as always, thank you for reading.

Posted via email from Luctor Et Emergo