Friday, June 11, 2010

Post-Surgery Post (Say Fast 5 Times In A Row!) - Friday, June 11, 2010

I did it. I made it through!!! My surgery was a success and though the pain is extremely intense and irritating a good amount of the time, I am so thankful to God and the Universe that I am here, this very moment writing in this blog! Before I go any further, I'd like to personally thank all the people who sent me good wishes during this very intense situation in my life and to let each and every one of you know that your moral support was greatly appreciated. I have been extremely blessed in that regard and I can't thank you all enough.

A special note of thanks to my cousin Darrell in Seattle for taking care of my messages for me, I can't thank you enough for you are more than a relative, you are my friend. I know it musta been somewhat awkward (to say the least!) for you to talk to people you didn't even know about my medical stuff and I appreciate both your sensitivity and dedication in keeping my friends updated.

In addition to my surgery being a great success (yes!!!), my hospital stay was quite nice. In that regard, I'm gonna break my own rule and openly give credit where it is due - kudos and hats off to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital! Oh my God, everyone there was so kind and so supportive and the staff, was phenomenal! Downtown Boston is home to a TON of some of the finest medical establishments on this planet but Beth Israel Deaconess shines like a diamond when it comes to first-rate quality patient care, I cannot emphasize that enough.

How was my hospital stay? As wonderful as the surgeon, the nurses, and entire staff was to me, I gotta be honest guys, I was bored most of the time! Actually, my friend Percocet has been with me a lot of the time! From Tuesday afternoon when they wheeled me out of recovery and put me in ICU (guess I hadda irregular heartbeat towards the last half hour of surgery but you coulda fooled me, as out of it as I was) most of my stay was spent sleeping off-and-on. But they kept me very comfortable and I really can't complain.

It's funny, I haven't even begun to heal yet and already I have an insatiable drive to do so many things right this moment! The 1st thing I wanna do once I heal more and can walk normal - I wanna go get my mail and then run up the front stoop like everyone else does, really super fast without even thinking twice, just like everyone else does day-in and day-out. I wanna dance. I want to dance to Alicia Key's remake of Blondie's "Rapture" hopefully before the summer ends and it is considered an "old song." I wanna go to places like the Natick Mall or the Burlington Mall (hell, both of them!) and just walk and look in every single store window, like so many people do and stop and have a cup of coffee and just breath. I wanna get back into walking for exercise but not the old lame 3 times a week, 20 minutes a day - I wanna do what Gwen Stefani does - walk non-stop for 1 hour per day and sweat as much as possible, great for both daily toning and shedding too.

And then the bigger things. Getta second job to off-set my cut hours at my current job. Travel, when time and money allows (isn't that always the case for us everyday Hiv'ers/everyday folks?) I really should go see my cousin in Florida but I wanna be selfish. This is stream-of-consciousness taking place, but damn, it feels good, it feels so fucken good to be alive, with two normal legs! My selfish travel priorities, doesn't matter which one I do first - I must finally make it to Philadelphia - they say my beloved UNITED STATES is still docked there, and I must go see her, to pay homage to her. People have said there is a giant IKEA store down there (twice the fun, I know!) and that you can see her docked on the opposite side of the highway/roadway. There's an organization fighting to preserve her (as they justly should)and I just pray they keep her preserved and safe long enough for me to get there and look at her, take pictures, and just savor gazing up at her. Totally corny, isn't it?

Oh Canada, I can't wait to visit you, so much to see and do there. I wanna look up at Toronto's skycrapers at nighttime and say something really fucken corny like, "Well Toronto, there's a new Spice in town and it aint that slut Rosemary or her sleazy sister Marjoram!" So much I want to experience and learn about that country. First, I need to check out all the Hiv/AIDS organizations (both major and minor) and see what direction they all are headed in. Second, I need to find out firsthand why the Canadians are just as oblivous as well as unappreciative of their country's vast, rich maritime history as the Americans are towards theirs. I've never said anything bad about Canada but please mark that one down because they are almost as bad as the Americans when it comes to that. Why do you know that most of them don't even know of the EMPRESS OF BRITAIN (1931)? That's blasphemy. Why that's like being French and never knowing of the NORMANDIE or being British and not knowing of the QUEEN MARY.

And Friends. Above everything else, both in Canada and here in America, there are so many new friends that I wanna get to meet! I wanna be able to walk off the plane/bus, walk up to them - with two normal legs(!!!) and hug them and tell them how damn happy I am to FINALLY meet them! Ah, walking normal, back to reality...

It's not gonna be easy - I think I have about a good week or so at home just healing before they even start me on physical theray. I'll know more after my follow-up appointment with my surgeon and regular doctors next week. I am hoping to be walking normal in less than a month, but maybe because I'm so excited about all of this! My body's entire equilibrium has been off-kilter for more than a year - it's gonna take time for it to stabalize and it will. They've already warned me that the first few times I stand up and attempt to walk with both feet I will get extremely woozy, maybe even come close to passing out, but that it will get better each day. It has to and it will because I haven't come this far for nothing.

Oh my, I did another epistle didnt I? Oh well, for being non-existent the last few days, I have more than earned it. It's great to be back. And as always, thank you for reading :)

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