Wednesday, June 2, 2010

All This...and Herpes Too (Part 2) - Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I couldn't figure out where I got it from, seriously. I kept doing research and finally found out that even though the majority of Herpes cases usually surface within 3 to 6 months (or longer) after infection, like HIV, the dormancy period can be YEARS; and, that 80% of the North American population has it and doesn't even know it because they have no symptons of the disease. Plus, on top of it all, get this - there is no safe-sex preventative measure to stop the spread of Herpes! No lie. Even if you're NOT having an outbreak you can spread it by mere skin-to-skin sexual contact. Condoms are great (never 100% foolproof though) but condoms can't stop the spread of Herpes.

In other words, Herpes is alot like what I call my HIV - "the Christmas gift that never stops giving all year round, year after year." I'm going to keep researching all of this but I am dead serious about my inquiry in Part 1 - what does this mean for me, and others, who are in this boat? Does it mean we should only date others who have Herpes also? If so, that sure will make me a hypocrite (a classification I have never had my entire life) about the piece I wrote on Hiv+ versus Hiv-, won't it? I guess I'll have to figure it out along the way.

The very few people who have known about it before this posting asked me "What does it look and feel like?" The best way to describe it is this - physically, it looks like teeny tiny white bumps, sorta like an acne breakout that got way out of control. On me personally, it still scares me and I still cry about it from time to time because quite frankly, I'm extremely protective over my last remaining testicle, sorta the way a mother is protective over a child. If it's doing anything that both my doctors and myself are unaware of, I'm gonna be one very pissed off individual.

Oh, what it feels like is this - at least on us males, I assume females who have it might experience similiarities - the full outbreak itself is like a burning sensation that never stops; but, usually will stop within a few hours of taking the 1st dose of medication. You can always tell an outbreak is coming because it feels like little, teeny tiny pings or pops of Vick's Vapo-Rub is popping up all over your crotch. That's the best way to describe it. The trick is this - the second a person feels ANY tingling sensation, pop the pills right away and that way it will lessen the length of the outbreak. Well at least for most people, not yours truly.
I traced back my sexual history and naturally, I got this from sexual activity. But, here's the kicker - I disclosed my HIV history to him but he obviously didn't disclose his Herpes to me. And, when I confronted him about it, he lied to me. How do I know for sure it was him? Hate to tell all my personal secrets, but as much as I love sex, I don't get it too often. My Herpes remained dormant for exactly 1 year and 3 months - because that was the last time I was sexually active with anyone.

Get ready, ole' Spicer is making blog history - Part # 3, a first for me, coming soon. Thanks for reading.

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