Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Post-Bio Epilogue - May 10th, 2010

The following is an epilogue-type piece that I wrote a few days after I wrote my Bio. Originally I was gonna delete it but I thought about it and decided to keep it as a reality check to remind me - and perhaps even some of you - that no matter how nice you can be to others, there's always gonna be some asshole(s) in the crowd, always..lol

Epilogue - Monday, May 10th, 2010

I'm pretty sure I did the right thing by writing the Bio for my Profile; but, I think what I wanted to accomplish might have worked a bit too well! Any and all questioning has stopped but now it seems folks are actually hesitant to communicate with me. Please don't be. One of the golden rules of life I try to follow is to take care of yourself and then your fellow human beings. We Hiv'ers are all in the same boat and if reaching out to each other to exchange thoughts, ideas, or borrowing a shoulder can make a difference, then consider me there. We all matter, we all make a difference, and whether large or small, we all contribute in one way or another.

With that being said, there is something I have noticed in the days since I wrote the Bio (actually, I noticed it over the last coupla weeks but I guess I was in denial about it) - there are some people out there who refuse to validate that I exist - and that's puttiing it very very politely. I mean, these people won't even be civil to me and why, I may never know, but I have given some thought to this.

I've always been the type of person to shoot straight from the hip and as I've gotten older I've noticed that my tolerance for bullshit, drama, whatever you wanna call it has reached level zero. Normally, I would confront people on such things directly and in a calm, rational way; but, by the same token I wont lie to anyone, my T-cell levels are far more important to me than worrying about any moron(s) who may judge me without knowing me personally.

When I was a kid I use to hear the saying "There's always gonna be someone in the world who doesnt like you without any reason whatsoever." I just never thought I'd come across that in the Hiv/AIDS community, but I was wrong. And to those who I address this to, you dont have to worry, I know how you feel, I see the writing on the wall - or in this case with Facebook, the LACK of writiing on the wall. In closing, my sincere hope is that no one makes you feel the way you've made me feel.

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