Friday, December 16, 2011

Duped: My Experiences With An Internet Stalker - Friday, December 16th, 2011

I'm more than certain that some of my internet friends out there are already silently laughing to themselves regarding the title of this piece because for the last several months, their humorous quips about internet stalkers have brought us all some mighty good laughs; but, as much as I may have been laughing along with everyone else, what I've said previously about internet stalkers still stands true today - you dont know what its like until its actually happening to you. Dealing with a stalker is like dealing with really bad sex - you never know when its going to end but when it's finally over, whatta welcomed relief it is.

I've written about the subject of internet stalkers previosuly in this blog as well as in the Notes section of my Facebook account. What has prompted me to write it about once more in this blog? It brings me great pleasure to finally be able to state the following - my internet stalker has come full circle. Finally. That person has finally accomplished what they set out to do against me and now that they've gotten what they wanted from me, they've finally stopped. There is nothing more they can take from me which they havent already managed to deceitfully obtain. Oh and in case you're wondering how I know this, at some point this past week my stalker did something to me which I never ever thought would happen but was elated when I discovered it - they defriended me! Halleleujah, lemme tell you.

By the way, I will be using the term "they" and/or "them" to describe my internet stalker versus "he" or "she" because quite frankly, I refuse to give any further credit to the individual who has been stalking me here on the internet over the last several months.

What this full-circle concept all basically means is that my stalker has completed the final part of the circle that allows them to obtain full closure from contending with their current prey and starting their search for a new one. Once an internet stalker gets what they want, they literally cut you out of their lives and act as if you've never existed. They literally banish you from their lives as if you're the one who actually needs to be punished for all the wrongs they've committed against you. I know, that's pretty fucked up, wouldnt you say? They wont do it immediately, usually they take at least a month or two off but my particular stalker is one helluva psychotic individual, so it wouldnt surprise me in the least if they've already begun the search for their next opportunity. If you dont wanna take my word for it on all of what is written in this paragraph, as well as the rest of this piece, please, by all means, consult with your local psychology major and/or your local psychiatry intern and they will tell you the same exact things I have, only using bigger, fancier words, of course.  

Some people actually think "Oh, there's no such thing as stalkers, that's up in people's heads, people only are taken advantage of as much as they allow others to do so." That may apply to friendships and romantic relationships but it most certainly does not apply to the stalker/stalkee relationship. I stood my ground - more than once - with my stalker, mentioned it to mutual friends, some of whom brought it to my attention first, but to no avail. 

My stalker managed to infiltrate every single aspect of my internet existence with relentless fervor. For the past several months that nasty, deceitful motherfucker "liked" and commented on every single fucken thing on my Facebook wall and when they became bored with that, they started doing it on my friends' walls too. No matter what time of day or night I signed on online, till the time I turned in for the evening, that person was figuratively on top of me every single second. Then they began to insulate themselves with some of my closer friends, though I am thankful that more than several of those friends caught on to my stalkers actions and defriended/blocked them almost immediately - which is definitely what I shoulda done in the first place. But I gotta admit, my stalker successfully blindsided alotta my friends, but they didnt stop there. Somehow, someway, they managed to manipulate their way into becoming adminstrator of every single Facebook Hiv/AIDS group which I am a member of. The ironic thing about all of that is that they arent even an Hiv'er to begin with, which makes no difference at all, but still, it's the principle of it all. I still dont know how they managed to pull that one off, but my stalker was either damn near spectucular in their deceptions, or the folks who run those groups arent the swiftest folks around. Who knows, maybe it was a combination of both.

In regards to the aforementioned, I suppose one of the most ironic and saddest aspects of all of this is that the majority of the friends whom my stalker and I share will never see my stalker show their true colors simply because they've gotten what they wanted. Of course, because they insulated theirself so well with my friends, I have no doubt in my mind that several of those mutual friends may still, after all that has happened to me, exclaim "Well, we've never had any problems with that person. We've even chatted with them on the phone and found them perfecftly delightful!" Take my word for it, a stalker's mental illness can fool people just as easily on the phone and in person as they can over the internet, there's not much of a leap of faith there folks. My stalker now has no reason to further impress and mislead anybody else. They are truly sated - at least for now. Eventually, my stalker will become restless again and require their usual psychological-vampiric fix that keeps them driven and once that happens, they will go after my friends like a runaway train, and we're not talking about some Bon Jovi song here either folks.

Do you know what really burns me up the most about my stalker? That they piggybacked off of HivSpice. That nasty insufferable wretch of a person has their friend circles, their group affiliations and everything else internet-related not because of who they are but because of who I am. Can anyone out there even begin to comprehend how infuriating that can be when someone does that to you? It is unspeakable in feelings and emotions, and it is unacceptable when it comes to human behavior. Talk about identity-theft, I cannot stress enough that my stalker did not get to their current state of world-wide-web bliss because of their own merits, but because of HivSpice. In addition, the most mentally disturbing thing about all of this is that my stalker knew right from the get-go what they wanted from me. Totally premeditated, if you will.

Why write about all these things now and therefore give my stalker all the credit they so unjustifiably yearn for? I'm writing about all of these things right now because I want my stalker to know I'm not as dumb as they originally perceived me to be and I have a few things to say directly to them. I know you're pretty happy and content on the nice job you did on me but I think you need to consider yourself VERY lucky that I'm a sane, rational person because one of these days, you just may end up pulling this kinda of warped pseudo-psychotic bullshit on someone who isnt going to be as nice and levelheaded as I am. Now I realize that perhaps somewhere in your sick, twisted mind, you may get a huge adrenalin rush from doing this kind of thing to people but someday you just may end up doing this to the wrong person at the wrong time, and what the hell are you gonna do then? Obviously you have a major residual OCD problem which you need to address immediately via some majorly intense psychotherapy, before you harm anymore people, yourself included.

Is there any way to avoid stalkers on the internet? That's a pretty tough question to answer because when it comes to internet stalkers, there isnt a whole helluva lot you can do because there are no rules or regulations on what denotes a stalker or what doesnt. As a matter of fact, the internet is the perfect breeding ground for stalkers because it allows them to mask themselves, close their accounts and reopen new accounts under totally different masks without ever suffering any consequences for their actions whatsoever. The offensively pathetic thing about all of this is there isnt a goddam thing the stalkees can do about it. In the majority of internet stalking cases, the stalker gets off scott-free but hopefully someday something will be done to change that horrible reality.

I realize that with having an anonymous identity such as HivSpice there are still some folks out there who dont view me as a real person but they are very mistaken because I am real and I have a life too, just like everyone else. However, unlike my stalker, I have never used my name to manipulate or mislead others about myself in any way, shape or form. Nor have I used it for negative gain and I dont intend to ever do so either. I did not create HivSpice as a means for others to take advantage of me, nor to use me as a public doormat. If anybody wants to be my friend, great; but, please, don't try to become me, don't try to manipulate my friends with two-faced bullshit and don't try to pretend you're a noble person filled with great strength of character just to insulate your own existence with mine. Be yourself and getta life but dont you dare ever shit on me because I dont deserve that, nobody deserves that. Thank you for reading.

Posted via email from Luctor Et Emergo

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