Monday, February 28, 2011

Epilogue: On Internet Bullies & Organized Religion - Monday, February 28, 2011

For those of you who did choose to read my piece from yesterday, as you may recall I had alotta crap to get off my chest and I have no regrets whatsoever in doing so. I wish we all could unleash against our bullies like I did but I also understand that in almost every bullying situation the circumstances vary greatly. Regardless, I think it's very important to stand up against any form of bullying as often as we can because nobody ever deserves to be treated that way by another human being. Be that as it may, I have one more thing I'd like to say about internet bullying, a realization that I arrived at thanks to several conversations that I have had in the past with a very close friend of mine. From these conversations, an idea was born that I'd like to share with you.

I think that it would be in the best interests of its users if Facebook were to form some type of regulatory advocacy commission or department that would directly addresses issues such as internet bullying and/or harassment amongst its users. Allow me to explain why I think this would be very beneficial to everyone out there. Did you know that in these bullying scenarioes, as well as practically every other internet scenario out there, that without any legitimate rhyme-or-reason whatsoever, if a certain amount of complaints are filed against any individual they can literally get their Facebook account shut down and closed for good? It's true. In other words, if any of us, whether it be you, me or the little girl who lives down the lane, says or insinuates anything deemed offensive, obscene or threatening by another individual, we can be reported and lose our accounts without any fair or just trial, without even having the opportunity to explain and/or defend our statements and/or intentions? It's true. And it's wrong. Facebook wants each and everyone of us to consider each of our homepages our own little piece of personal property on the greater worldwide web; yet, the bottom line is that whether we like it or not, if some miserly dictator-like personality pisses-n-moans enough about us, it's POOF!!! and we are history. Sad and unfair, but very true nonetheless.

Granted, the majority of us who are online are not moronic idiots (okay, perhaps a select few, but you know what I mean) for there is always some way to navigate around such irrational censorship realities. I'm sure that like myself there have been many of you who have seen their friends disappear because their accounts were shut down for whatever imbecillic reasoning, only to resurface again and again because in reality I think those folks feel exactly like the rest of us do - who the hell is Facebook to dictate what is acceptable and/or unacceptable in the way we communiate and interact with our friends, as well as the way we choose to express ourselves as individuals? That should be our choice, yes indeed, and let's face it, without each and every one of us, there wouldnt be any Facebook. Like a true democracy, Facebook is suppose to be about and for the people but it appears to me that it is, but in name only.

I've talked with other folks about my idea and the majority of those I discussed it with have agreed with me. On some, but obviously not all, of the social networking and chatroom sites that exist on the worldwide web, there are some sites that have implemented what are called "CSA"s, "Community Standards Advisors" and maybe something like that would solve alotta the bullying scenarioes that happen regularly on Facebook. The way it was explained to me is this -  if two or more individuals are having a problem with each other, a CSA is usually summoned to intervene in the situation and hopefully bring about a positive resolve from all parties involved. Of course, just as in real life, I'm certain there probaly are situations out there that cannot be resolved; but, I think it sure as hell would be a helluva lot more positive and productive if those involved in any kind of dispute would be given the respect and common civility to air their concerns and treated (as well as judged) fairly versus encountering such indignities as "Okay, this is why this has happened and tough shit if you dont like it, we arent required to explain jackshit to you." Cause let's call it as it is right here-n-now - that's EXACTLY how Facebook treats its users who had their accounts closed for whatever unexplainable, unimaginable reasons. They'll shut you down, offer an generally inconcise explanation and shut the book on you, no if's, and's or but's.

By the same token, yes, I do realize that the majority of us are fairly mature adults who should not have to have our words and/or statements policed but quite frankly, if anyone is going to instigate a situation with me, I'd feel a whole helluva lot better knowing that I'd be allowed my rights to a fair discussion and a half-way decent chance of solving the problem rationally versus the scenario of hearing from Facebook something as ridiculous as "Well, this person reported this-n-that about you and you're history!" without any intellligent, viable reason whatsoever.

And in that regard, this is truly one of the most worst things about being on Facebook - the atmosphere of semi-anonymity that is provided actually supports the breeding grounds for every goddamn bully that is out there. Yeah, really. In fact, when you really think about it, Facebook should be renamed "The Bully's Network" for it not only leaves each and everyone of us totally wide-open for confrontations with such individuals but it actually empowers those very same bullies by allowing them to complain about and/or report their victims as if it is their victims who are doing the actual bullying to begin with. Now I ask each and every one of you this - how fucked up is that?

Look, I know there's always gonna be bullies no matter where we go or what we do and yet, no, I have no intention of giving up my Facebook account; but, I think when it comes to the internet variety of bullies the best thing any of us can do is to be very aware of such individuals and do what we can to safeguard ourselves and those we are closest to, regardless if it's a social networking site such as Facebook, a chatroom server and so on and so on. None of us should ever have to sacrifice such basic rights as freedom of speech, fair trials (for lack of a better description) and the like just because what's happening is on a computer screen in front of us versus while we're walking down the street, working at our daily jobs, or going shopping at our local malls. Bottom line: bullying is wrong regardless of where it's taking place and it's something we all need to rally against together if we want to eradicate it as much as possible from our daily lives, both internet-wise and other. Thank you for reading.

Posted via email from Luctor Et Emergo

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