Actually, no, this isnt gonna be a disertation on how much I adore films such as the "Twilight" series and the most recent remake of "The Wolfman" (though it is the truth in both cases!), nor am I jumping up-n-down right now saying "I do believe in Vampires & Werewolves, I do believe in Vampires & Werewolves!!"; but, I would like to discuss the aforementioned subjects in certain terms because I think there are some questionable aspects regarding the subjects of Vampires and Werewolves which are very rarely discussed, and with the fairly decent success rate of those two aforementioned film franchises, what better time to discuss such things?
But there is an observation I'd like to share with everyone out there about both the "Twilight" film series as well as "The Wolfman" film (oh, there better be a sequel to that one!) For some unexplainable reason, the majority of my fellow LGBT brothers & sisters who have viewed such films have depressingly exclaimed to me "Oh, I (or we) didnt get anything outta those films." You mean nothing, nothing at all? I'm curious, how so? I mean, each one of those films is basically a true love story with a few dashes of supernatural actions thrown in for good measure. How anyone cannot appreciate those films for the ideology they represent - that true love, against all the odds from two different worlds, can conquer all when two people really truly love each other - is definitely beyond me. I find that aspect of those films not only fascinating, but it also makes their storylines extremely interesting as well. The relationship between Bella (a human) and Edward (a vampire) is comparable in its variables just as much as a relationship between an Hiv'er and a non-Hiv'er is (just one example); the parallels between the two are undeniable. Oh I know, there may be some folks out there who might exclaim "Geese Spice, how the hell can you make sucha comparison??" and all I can say in response to that is "Geese people, you all need to calm down and getta hold of yourselves, it's just a film for pete's sake!" Anyways, onto the subject material....
It has been said for many decades now that there is some teeny, tiny kernel of truth in every bit of fiction, myth and/or legend that exists out there on this great big planet of ours. Yes, I do believe there is some truth to that statement but I am also convinced that there are alotta things in this world that there simply isnt a logical explanation for. Do I personally believe in Vampires and/or Werewolves? Quite honestly, I am not saying yes and I am not saying no, and all because of what I just stated - there are so many things that our modern science and modern technology simply cannot provide a legitimate theory or explanation for. I'm not talking about fear or lack of knowledge of the unknown, it's just that I think it's a very simple issue that no matter how much such things as Vampire and Werewolf theories have been explored, investigated, and written about, there simply isnt enough tangible proof out there to prove that they do or do not exist.
Sometime when you getta chance, review all the plausible, as well as non-plausible theories, about each of these creatures that still circulate out there after all these centuries. Before there were any blockbuster films and/or computer games regarding Vampires and Werewolves, there were the medieval and Native American myths and legends about their existence. For those who ignore all those "Old World" and "New World" stories about both kinds of creatures, such individuals emphatically claim that such beings have never existed, that they are totally man-made like some fantastical-fairytale-on-modern-steroids gone awry. And of course, none of us is unaware of how people with certain medical and/or mental conditions can mimic the stereotypes of both Vampires and Werewolves, and that such real-life conditions are the real-life basis for all those silly stories. In fact, in the last 30 years or so there have been more stories and/or documentaries debunking the existence of both Vampires and Werewolves than anything else and that's fine-n-dandy, notta problem with me personally; however, by society and the world in general jumping on every single imaginable bandwagon claiming that neither of these creatures really really exists to begin with, in reality, when you think about it, such widespread dismissal is actually creating and providing a reverse atmosphere for such creatures to exist in the first place. No, I'm still not saying that such creatures are real, but let's take this just one more step further, shall we?
Strictly hypothetically speaking, let's entertain the following scenario for just a minute or two...let's say there really was a real-life Vampire or Werewolf running around in one of our local communities. Let's say that like in all the books and movies, sucha creature is demonstrating the usual stereotypical killing/feeding habits of its nature and the local forensics unit stumbles upon clear-cut, undeniable proof that sucha creature was indeed at fault for whatever was going on. Normal common sense would dictate that if the mystery of such a scenario was proven to be legitimately true, the proof would need to be presented to the general public and dealt with accordingly. Yeah, great. But, in our modern age, here in the year 2011, it has been ingrained into our minds, our way of life, that IF there was that one-in-a-trillion possibility that either such creature did indeed exist we are collectively, psychically attuned to invalidate its existence. In other words, I think that by so vehemently denying the existence of creatures such as Vampires and Werewolves, the world in turn is granting its permission for such creatures to exist. By denying their existence, it is not holding such creatures accountable to the laws of the universe that govern each and every one of our lives. Yes, continously refudiating that they indeed do not exist is like saying "Keep doing whatever it is that you're doing because you're not real anyways, you dont exist, so that's okay to keep right on doing what you're doing." Although I am discussing all of this in strictly hypothetical terms, you gotta admit, everything that I have just said does indeed make perfectly logical common sense.
I've said this more than once before in this blog, that I dont have all the answers to every mystery and paradox within the universe as we all know it but when I was growing up, I was taught from a very early age onward to never mock or make fun of things that I and/or others dont totally understand, to never form an opinion or theory on anything until I have all the information, all the facts, all the falsehoods, processed and in front of my eyes. Personally, I think that's a good very attitude to grow up with because it not only fosters a person to keep an open mind but it also teaches them to be more respectful of others and the world around us.
Usually during our childhood years, many of us hear stories about creatures such as Vampires and Werewolves and think stuff like "Oh my gawd, wouldnt that be so neat and kewl to be immortal? To never grow old? To have superhuman strength? To live on and on forever??" Even as an adult, I gotta admit, such thoughts are indeed entertaining to say the least - I mean, who wouldnt want to never grow old, to never have wrinkles, to never be sick again, to never have physical illnesses or pains ever ever again? Hell, it'd be like a dream come true for so many of us but unlike children, we adults already know there is a flip side to everything, even a flip side to something such as immortality. And justifiably so. Because the flip side of immortality that actually makes me feel practically overjoyed to be a human being, yes, even an Hiv+ human being at that, is this - who in their right mind would consciously choose to outlive every single person in the world they truly loved? Not just your husband, wife or significant other, but your family, both biological and extended, your friends - who would want to be that alone, for that long, for forever? Definitely not me. Of course, some of my history buff friends have commented over the years "To be immortal, think how one could sit back and watch the world change and evolve, and watch history unfold." Uhm that's fine-n-dandy guys, but isnt history taking place right this very moment, I mean, why not just appreciate what history is taking place in the here-n-now? Dont forget, even though they say all change is good, we as adults know that there is always a mixture of both good and bad changes in the world. Who in their right mind would wanna spend forever watching something like that happen, over and over again? Not me, after all, why watch history when you should be enjoying what there is of life? Granted, in a perfect world, to be immortal with the person you love the most would be the perfect scenario; but that's just it - whether one is mortal or immortal, we all know that the world is not a perfect place, never has been, never will be. And that's okay, that's the way it should be, because that's the way it's always been.
Let's face it, whether you believe in Vampires and Werewolves or not, I dont think something like immortality is all that it's cracked up to be. Seriously. Think about it. Who the hell would wanna be a Vampire in the year 2011? It's kinda funny when you think about it - how would you tell a Vampire "Hey Sparky, you gotta learn how to practice safe-sex" when their main sustenance, human blood, is one of the most effective ways to spread the Hiv virus? The same goes for Werewolves too - how do you tell a Werewolf "Uhm, you know that deer or two that you just had for a midnight snack? Well, I hate to break it to you Sparky, but now you got Lyme Disease!! Astalevista, motherf--ker!" No, I'm not mocking or making fun of either creatures, just using a bit of humor to prove a point and that is this - I dont think it's ever really been an issue of whether or not a person believes in Vampires and Werewolves, I think its more of an issue of how applicable their existence would be to our modern-day world in general. In other words, in this day-n-age, I dont think life would be any easier for those creatures than it currently is for the rest of us. Please dont tell me that you cant see both the irony and the humor in all of that. Okay, you can tell me that, but just make sure you do so while wearing a necklace of garlic or not during a full moon night, capice? In the meantime, I'll just keep waiting for "Eclipse" to make its premiere on Showtime as well as for "The Wolfman II" to start full production. Nitey-Nite! And as always, thanks for reading.