Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Original Facebook Bio Section (May 7, 2010)

Since this blog is something new to both me and any future readers, I thought I would include my original biography that I wrote on my Facebook account...here it is...... I really really did not wanna do this - post anything personal about myself on Facebook - especially since some members of the media who use to harass me years ago are now crawling out of the woodwork all over again and wanting to inquisition me about my past. BUT, in the last 3 weeks there has been speculation concerning the validity of my person as well as my name - HivSpice - a name that I have not only earned the right to call myself but also a name I will defend until I'm six feet under. Pay close attention.

1st...I am an HIV+ gay male and have been living with this disease since August, 1989. I contracted the disease from my lover ( I will not reveal his name, I protected him in life and I will do so in death as well) who died in my arms in October, 1989. Death is a part of life, I know this and I accept this, and I have gone on with my life, but no 24 year old should have to go through what I went through back then. And, with all the medical advances and continued research we have nowadays, hopefully somehow scenarioes like what I went through will become a thing of the past. Remember people, Hope is something no one or no thing can ever ever take away from us.

In addition to this, in late 1998 I had an accident on my job that later saved my life. I was diagnosed with cancer and I wont say on here what kind but let me tell you this much - I had all 3 kinds of it all at once and what was suppose to be one major surgery and 3 rounds of chemo ended up turning into a 4 month hospital stay. Am thankful and extremely fortunate to be both an HIV+ survivor, as well as a cancer survivor. Looking back I can find humor in it - ya know how people usually lose their hair from chemo? Wouldnt you know it, I lost my hair TWICE from chemo!

2nd...no, HivSpice is NOT the missing Spice Girl! Where people come up with this crap I wll never know. I dont drink (I'm literally allergic to alcohol, seriously) but when I heard that, had there been a shot glass of whiskey laying around I mighta just tried it! The Spice Girls have nothing to do with this name (though if it pans out I would like to produce an Hiv/AIDS educational video using an Hiv-friendly version of "Wannabe.") The name was created by one of those brainstorms that writers talk about - I was sitting in my apartment during one of those infamous hot-n-humid Boston summer nights and boom - put Hiv and Spice together and there you have it. Real exciting, heh?

3rd, I have been what could be called, for lack of a better description, an internet based Hiv/AIDS Activist since the mid 1990's onward and I intend to continue to do this for as long as I possibly can. Eventually I will step full-force into the frontlines like so many others have but due to my current employment situation and again, as well as my past associations with certain people, I'm sort of in limbo right now. I hope everyone who reads this will somehow understand and respect my decision. If I end up back in the publics eye, it's not gonna be because "OMG!!! He was so-and-so's lover" or "This-n-that-one's confidante" - everything from here on out will be because I earned it fair-n-square.

Damn, guess when the floodgates open they really rush in dont they? So there you have it, my story in its entirety for the most part. I hope that I've shared enough of myself to give you an idea of who I am and what I am all about. If anyone chooses to further question my integrity please feel free to message me at FB and I will be more than happy to discuss it with you; BUT, there's a catch - you better be damn sure you are who you say you are.

Oh, one more thing - when a gay man transforms himself into a drag queen he's not just playing a role, he is displaying an extension of his inner self, his inner spirit, his inner psyche - yet another reason for creating HivSpice - he is an extention of my inner spirit, it's that plain and simple. Enough said.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing and I find this bio very helpful and resourceful. Thank you for sharing and being an example to us all. Your a survivor! Look forward to chatting with you about many things ;-)
