Friday, April 1, 2011

My Brief Hiatus From Writing - Friday, April 1, 2011

It's been just over a week since I last wrote in this blog and for someone who is so accustomed to writing on sucha regular basis, that's a bit of a record for me because I've always felt that there is never a lack of issues or subjects to write about. Still, even with everything that's going on in the world these days, for some reason I cant put my finger on, I simply havent felt like writing lately. I dont know if I'm in one of those funks or dry spells that some writers experience or not, but whatever it is, this past week I've simply had no desire to write about a single thing.

Maybe it's because I've been so damn exhausted this week but hell, that's true every I do have a lot going on though, with still searching for a more affordable place to live and doing the two-job-hamster-treadmill thing that alotta folks are doing these days. I guess I've sorta been operating on auto-pilot as and I guess that's okay though I sure as hell do wish I had more pep than I have had in the last several days. I realize that I do not, technically-speaking, owe anyone an explanation about anything, but trust me, I do enjoy writing in this blog just as much as some of you out there enjoy reading it. 

Some people may think "Gee Spice, are you depressed or what?" The answer to both those questions is "Nope, non-applicable." Oh if I was depressed or down in the dumps, y'all know me with my longwinded disertations, I would naturally write about it but I'm not the type of person who easily gets depressed because not only am I literally too busy to even have time to think about being depressed but it's also an oxymoron of some sorts with me because I personally believe that keeping busy prevents one from being depressed (to a certain extent that is), keeping active doesnt allow on the time to be depressed let alone contemplatiing the entire concept of it all. Dont get me wrong, depression is a very serious, treatable illness and I do realize that people can and do deal with depression even when they do keep busy but (and no offense intended towards those who are battling depression) that's just not part of my psychological make-up.

Maybe I just needed some downtime this past week. I'm more than certain that there will be an event and/or issue that will strike a major chord within me and before you know it, I'll be making this-or-that point and taking this-or-that person/groups to task; but, in the meantime, I'm just gonna stay in my current holding pattern as they say. Maybe I'll write something tomorrow or sometime this weekend, but either way, please do know that I am sending all of you good, positive thoughts and I hope that you're looking forward to Spring just as much as I am. As always, thank you for reading.

Posted via email from Luctor Et Emergo

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