Though I have done epilogues or follow-ups on a few of my previous pieces in this blog, I usually dont make it a regular practice because the last thing any writer wants to do is come across to their readers sounding like a broken record. Of course, if its about a serious issue such as Hiv/AIDS, well that's a horse of an entirely different color. In regards to this particular entry, I've chosen to do a follow-up on it because I have actually had a few readers contact me personally inquiring about it. Can you believe it? People actually wrote to me asking about it. For any of you who are blog-readers, and not just of my blog but other blogs too, you just do not know how honored and good inside it makes a person feel when people take time outta their busy schedules & daily routines to acknowledge another individual like that - thank you. I mean it, that means a lot to me, whether you comment on an entry or contact me personally, I sincerely appreciate either reaction very much.
So for those who wrote and inquired, as well as to anyone else who may feel the inclination to read this piece, here's the skinny on the person whom I wrote about in my Christmas dedication. In a nutshell, the guy never read that particular blog entry! I know I know, can you believe it?Just my luck, ya know? Or if he did, he sure as hell had no clue it was written about him because if he had I know for a fact he woulda said something to me directly about it since he's a very honest, kind and decent human being. How do I know? Because we are friends. In fact, we even spoke with each other over the phone awhile back and he's a very charming person. I'm very thankful to know him and I'm hoping this will be one of those lifelong friendships. Actually, it'd be nice if we could talk more often these days but with my crazy work schedule and his, it's very difficult to do that so whenever he and I touch base, it's something I will always look forward to and appreciate.
Does this mean it was absolutely pointless for me to write the Christmas dedication in the first place? Oh hell no. Like I said before in one of my previous blogs - when you encounter someone who really rocks your world for whatever various reasons and you find yourself developing feelings for that person, then you need to take the time to let them know how you feel. Yes, of course, you do run the risk of rejection - we all do, it's a part of life Baby - but remember, life isnt worth living if you dont take chances. And gawd forbid that things dont go as you expected or hoped for, and you're looking at the situation in the full picture sense, what's so bad about at least striking up a friendship with that person? If you truly feel another individual is special and you would like them to be a part of your life, it shouldnt matter if it's the exact type of relationship you woulda preferred with them or not, because when it really boils down to it, you can never have too many true friends. All of this is based on my own personal experiences and I'm not suggesting that everyone should look at all of this in the same exact manner as I do, all I'm saying is that it doesnt hurt to be a bit more openminded when it comes to connecting with others, know what I mean?
I really dont regret anything I've ever written in this blog though I'd be lying to all of you if I didnt say that there have been more than several times when I was literally hesitant about publishing this-or-that piece, including the Christmas dedication piece. Wouldnt it have been better to just speak with the person directly about how I was feeling? I'd like to tell everyone out there most emphatically that "Yes" it's ALWAYS best to talk to the other person directly about such matters because even though the method I used did indeed work just fine for me, it really was by very rare chance that it worked at all. A fairly ironic aspect regarding all of this is that the words and feelings I conveyed in that piece could very well be applicable to anyone out there because the premise of the piece was based on the anonymous love-letter concept to begin with. Be that as it may, I am thankful that a friendship was established.
Who knows, maybe someday after I'm dead and I'm sipping on a glass of pink champagne (I cant drink but I have heard folks say that champagne is indeed quite good) and inhaling a halfa pack of cigarettes while lounging on the First Class promenade deck of my beloved AQUITANIA in the afterlife, the aforementioned friend will stumble across the Christmas dedication piece and say "Look at this, this is what HivSpice wrote about me before he bit the dust!" and I'll get a good chuckle, or perhaps even a hardy guffaw. Oh well, whaddya gonna do? That's life.
With it being a holiday weekend, I dont know if I will be writing in this blog or not, but either way I would like to take a moment to wish all my readers and friends a very safe and happy holiday weekend. Shalom to those of you who are celebrating Passover and Happy Easter to those of you who are not. Whatever your plans are for the weekend, please drive safely and responsibly and if you're gonna be doing more than driving then please do that safely and responsibly as well. And as always, thank you for reading.
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