Friday, April 20, 2012

Caution: Hiv/AIDS Support Groups On Facebook - Friday, April 20th, 2012

Usually when it comes to writing about issues pertaining strictly to the goings-on over at Facebook I'll pen a "Note" on my Facebook account; however, in the last coupla months I've noticed a definite trend within some of the Hiv/AIDS "support" groups on Facebook which I feel has reached a fairly serious level of concern because one of the first battle approaches we Hiv'ers are told (usually within the first 24 hours of diagnosis) are to avoid as much stress and internal strife in our lives as is humanly possible so as to preserve whatever remaining amount of T-cells we have left within our bodies. However, if anyone were to seek out the safe, stable and supportive online environment which every single one of these so-called "support" groups perpetuate they could very well stumble upon some of the Hiv/AIDS "support" groups which are more dentrimental versus beneficial regarding the emotional and mental well-being of your average Hiv'er. There is a very profound, yet ironic, reason why these lesser to zero "support" groups do indeed continue to exist.

The answer is quite simple - human egotism. It's perfectly okay for anyone to start an Hiv/AIDS support group (or any other type of group for that matter) on Facebook, and pour ones heart-n-soul into that group to make it a warm, welcoming place for all of its members; a place where there is great commaraderie; and, most importantly, a place where people feel comfortable enough to be themselves without any worries or concerns whatsoever. However, when a group's founding member(s) does so with the obvious intentions of feeding their already over-inflated ego and their insatiable thirst for winning popularity contest after popularity contest, all with their own brand of self-centered bravado which literally screams "Oh look at me!! Aren't I just soo wonderful?? Dontcha just wanna be a part of my fantastic in-crowd??" then that's when it's time for everyone to re-evaluate their "membership" in such alleged "support" groups.

Just as with Hiv/AIDS activism in real, everyday life, the most cardinal of rules should apply to these so-called Hiv/AIDS "support" groups online - when any of the actions taken by the group's founding member(s) and/or administrative branch lead to being totally for themselves versus the welfare of the overall group of people of whom they're suppose to be representing, then those individuals should automatically forfeit their right to be a representative for the member majority. However, unlike in real life, where such groups are governed and occassionally closed down for questionable ethics, these online "support" groups continue to flourish larger and larger. I think that's majorly wrong. I feel such groups as these are a hazard to the average Hiv'er/PWA's health and should be shut-down, no if's, and's or but's.

Allow me to provide you with an example of exactly what I'm talking about. One of the larger more populated (in the sense of membership numbers mind you) Hiv/AIDS "support" groups which I belong to on Facebook has had a fairly numerous amount of upsets and internal strife problems over the last coupla months to the point where not only has its administrative branch been constantly changing hands, but to the point where the entire group itself has become a total and complete laughing stock of the internet world. Why there is so much "drama" within this "support" group that it shouldn't even be called a "support" group to begin with. It totally appalls me that such behaviors within this particular group have even been allowed, especially with all the Nazi-like double-standard "rules" which apparently do not apply to the administrative members of the group itself, only its "lesser" members. Pardon me, but that unto itself is nothing butta buncha bullshit.

When I look back on all the times that the "in-clique" of this particular Hiv/AIDS "support" group has congratulated themselves on allegedly being gods and goddesses of the Hiv/AIDS universe, as well as continuously patted themselves and each other on the backs for their assumed greatness it has made me just wanna yell out to every one of them, "Whatta buncha poor excuses for humanity!!" Moreso, it makes me look back on all my fallen brothers and sisters who have died in the battle against Hiv/AIDS and ask myself "How the hell could the people in that group be allowed to breath and walk on this earth when so many good, decent people are laying dead in their graves?" Yeah, really.

Of course, the final tip-off for me regarding the true colors of the upper echelons of this particular Hiv/AIDS "support" group was when such members actually started to court me into becoming more active within the group. Okay, it's actually been more like ass-kissing than courting but you get the picture. Instantly I thought to myself "Oh, so now that your own idea of internet nirvana is falling apart, now you find the urge to wanna reach out to me and attempt to embrace me?" That's the type of prebuscent, romper-room-like environment that people who are battling a disease as serious as Hiv/AIDS are suppose to look forward to when joining any of the Hiv/AIDS "support" groups? I don't think so.

There are several things I harbor great personal contempt for and they are the following: dishonesty, hypocrisy and making anyone on this planet feel like a number, a mere commodity if you will. Trust me, those of us who are long-term Hiv'ers know all too well what it feels like to be treated as a number, compliments of the CDC and several other watchdog groups. Look, it doesn't matter how many members an internet group has - each member is a human being, someone with thoughts, emotions and feelings just like the rest of us. They need to be treated as such, not anything less than that.

Over the years a few of my more closer friends have cautioned me about being a member of any of the online Hiv/AIDS "support" groups because the bullshit which takes place in them could eventually wear down and erode my focus on the cause and I gotta admit, I didn't realize how much that could be the case until the last few months. My friends were right. So from here on out I will become a member of any group (let alone remain a member of the groups which I currently belong to) only if I get something out of it that helps me personally enrich my life for the better. Any reasoning other than that simply doesn't warrant me joining a group because when it really boils down to it, when the collective whole of any group is tossed to the wayside due to things such as egotism and vanity, why then would anyone in their right mind wanna be a member of any such group? I know I don't. And, in my opinion, I think every Hiv'er out there would be better off to find a group where Hiv/AIDS "support" truly is the only game in town. Thank you for reading.


Posted via email from Luctor Et Emergo

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